Monday, December 25, 2006


Special Christmas Links

Just some good stuff I have read about the season in the build up to today...

From some friends in Iraq - It's a video

Blackfive -- In the Agora -- Hugh Hewitt -- Seeking Him -- Power Line -- Waffling Anglican -- Covenant Seminary -- Santa -- Backwoods Presbyterian -- Seeking Him -- Some Cartoon -- Quotidian Grace -- The Daily Telegraph -- Yahoo News -- Rev Bill -- Reformation Theology -- the church geek -- Blackfive (again)-- First Things -- Letter (HT: Hugh Hewitt) -- Christianity Today (HT: BHT) -- Constructive Curmudgeon - Evangelical Outpost -- Mark Daniels -- Great music (HT: Intellectuele) -- Middlebrow -- Presbyterian Bloggers -- Search The Sea -- The A-Team -- Aberdeen News -- Salt Lake Tribune -- More Middlebrow -- Middlebrow again -- Live Science


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