Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Yes, There Are Things Worth Reading This Week LInks

Gerald Ford is dead. WaPo effuses and the Washington Times tells the story. Gerald Ford did his job quite well in very difficult circumstances, and he made Chevy Chase's career. However, the TV news last night acted as if he was the nation's savior in the wake of Watergate. I feel compelled to comment that we, the voting public, saved the nation in the the wake of Watergate - he simply filled one office. He did so admirably, and humbly as befitting his unelected status, but it is our nation.

Need to keep an eye on this. Governmnet not funding religion is one thing, but land use restrictions are another altogether.


The view from the UK. Is it possible that despite the death of relgion as a public influence in Europe, faith is more alive than ever?

The great government teet strikes again.

Assault by fart? Fascinating legal question - when does a nuisance become an assault.

How? Evolution had not had time to develop it.

Which is, or course, linked to cow farts. But those are flammable, so I am wondering if there is not a more direct link?

Committment: defined.


Stupidity is everywhere.

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