Saturday, January 06, 2007
Comic Art

Rocket Racer, a guy with a super-powered skate board. You know, come to think of it, I am kind of surprized there was never a villian based on the Rubik's Cube, or the Pet Rock. But, I digress. Oh yeah, and then, as if the skate board fad was not enough of a "hook" - they went and made the guy black! Now in this day-and-age of the X-games, how many black skateboarders out there are there? Anybody, anybody...?

That the bad guy makes good story is about as old as comics, but here is the thing - for the story to have any appeal, any appeal at all, the bad guy has to be really bad, not just pretending to be bad because Mama needs groceries.
Rocket Racer - bad idea poorly executed.
Related Tags: comics, comic books, comic art, Spidey villians, Rocket Racer