Wednesday, January 10, 2007



If it changes, it must be global warming. And so, a response is planned (assuring the final destruction of Europe as we know it) Fortunately, some people remain rational.

Speaking of Europe, it appears Poland had a very capable space program, but only using very charismatic astronauts.

Meanwhile, science finds God and predicts "the future." Of course, with the former, the powers are quite limited and ungodlike, and with the later no one will be around to test the prediction. Hmmmm.... I know!, we'll look for friends.

Why if the left, even pretty far left, is involved do we read words like "moderate" or "improve image," but if anyone even slightly right-of-center gets involved, we read words like "insane"? Oh and by the way, I wouldn't turn to either of those two to improve anything.

Voting is a right, but shouldn't there be some standards?

Knew this when it started, first time I ever flew into Newark....

The truth about how pastors view thier congregations.

Why geeky science, especially geological scientists, should never, ever be entrusted with public relations campaigns. There are PR firms for such things. It is a pun beneath even this blog.

Stunt as "art." That explains a lot of what passes for science these days.

How to drive your cat nuts and have them drink form the toilet at the same time.

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