Tuesday, January 23, 2007


The Relational Church

Justin Taylor points to the January 2007 issue of the 9Marks newsletter on Friendship, Fellowship, and Hospitality. I am trying to put my finger on why, while in agreement, I find it troubling. Let me take a stab.

First, to be relational in church is an absolute necessity. Says the editor's introductory note:
Friendship is one of the primary means of grace the Lord uses to keep church members growing in grace and bound to one another?like the sinews between muscles. Friendship helps church members to fight sin, disciple younger Christians, and spur one another on to love and good deeds.
In light of this importance, intentionality about friendship is also a must, but there is a point where intentionality can override genuiness and rob from the relationship its meaning and vitality.

I think you know what I am talking about. We have all met someone like that - the "Hail and well met" kind of guy that remembers your name and acts like he is your best buddy, but when it comes to what really defines a friend, affection, devotion, sacrifice, they just fall short of the mark.

In this, as in all things, what Christ intends is so much more than what we can actually deliver even with our best efforts. It's not enough to act someone's friend, one must allow the Holy Spirit to actually make us into that friend.

The kind of connectivity and accountability that the newsletter refers to will never happen with a less that genuine friendship, and they will never happen with a new friendship. Like marriage, friendship takes committment and effort, but it must be committment and effort born of genuineness and most importantly - selflessness.

You cannot be genuine friends because it is good for the church; you cannot be genuine friends because you need them or want them. Friendship is born of the greatest love.

Hmmm...looks like Bonnie is thinking about some of the same things.

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