Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Seeking The Linkdom

Way too little, way too late. The man has been a sideline sitter on his share of ministerial scandal - details of which I am not at liberty to reveal. This piece should begin with confession not pronouncement.

Remember in the Godfather III when you were really creeped out at the church blessing Michael Corlione? Guess what!

You have to laugh so you won't cry.

Some global warming common sense from down under, though I remain inconvinced about the human contributon portion. (HT: John) Laer has further related thoughts

Some very important more on another warming report you'll hear about this week.

IN RE: Super Bowl (GO COLTS!)
African-Americans will naturally enough take their own quiet pride in the achievements of Lovie Smith and Tony Dungy as every other ethnic group does when its members produce extraordinary achievements. (There must, somewhere in America, be an Armenian Athletes Hall of Fame.) But won't America more truly have come of age as a tolerant and mature society when men and women of genuine accomplishment can stand apart, on their own, without being weighed down by the heavy freight of their race, religion or ethnicity? Hold the public relations; forget the ethnic pride. Let the game begin!
Speaking of which - OMEN? Here's hoping.

If they were true to the Athenian heritage, they'd probably just take them back,violently. I'd be far more inclined towards supporting them if it were really about heritage and not about tourist dollars.

Cool, but it is still a mystery. Frankly, I don;t think it will be half as much fun if they figure it out.

The slowest news day in history.

Cool, and yet - Not my car.

Obviously his drink got warm.

Speed Dating conversation: What do you do for a living? I analyze bison poop. NEXT!

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