Monday, January 22, 2007
To The Bat-Links

This Weather Channel thing is getting out-of-hand. They have a captive audience, no competition - to use it to drive an agenda is despicable. These keeps up, I gotta think competition will present itself. Particularly in light of the science.
Increasingly, global warming proponents are resisting debate. Could it be because they keep losing?
Great question!
Now this is a global envionmental crisis! Obviously an international treaty of some sort is called for. Where to meet? What sounds good in front of "protocol"? Las Vegas?---no...Yellowknife---maybe.... Maybe at the same meet we need an interplanetary treaty too.
One more time - WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!! This time from construction. Or are we?
Has the Govenator jumped the shark? Looooooooooooong time ago, where you been?
Great comedy is also social commentary. I think this fits the bill a little too well.
Particularly when it comes to Iraq, I think the divide between those who want victory and retreat is well illustrated.
Hogwash, apart from Christ, even the apparently alturisitc, are so for selfish reasons.
Not work I want. Even though it is very interesting chemistry.
Most I know like the regular stuff just fine.
Ren Hoek is from South America?
Related Tags: environment, global warming, California, joke, humor, wisecrack, sarcasm