Sunday, January 14, 2007
The Wife Says It All!
Mrs. Blogotional usually lets her art speak for her, but some things just demands words, such as Barbara Boxer's recent brutal, personal and completely out-of-bounds attack on the Secretary of State. I thought Mrs. Blogotional's letter to Secretary Rice should be made open so...
Related Tags: Barbara Boxer, Condoleezza Rice, Senate hearings, children, sacrifice
Dear Dr. Rice:My wife, God bless her, is not good with insults, so let me just add, Barbara Boxer puts the numb in numbskull, the dunce in dunderhead. I tend not to work in senatorial races here in California because the Republicans just don't try very hard, it's like spitting in the wind, but I hereby pledge, next time this idiot is up, I'll do whatever I can to make sure she is actively and vigorously opposed.
I very rarely write public figures. I can only imagine how much mail you get from all over the world, probably stacks and stacks of letters. However, the recent hearings by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Iraq caused me to do a double take. In particular I refer to the remarks quoted in several newspapers by Senator Barbara Boxer directed to you and I quote:"Who pays the price? I'm not going to pay a personal price," Boxer said. "My kids are too old, and my grandchild is too young."These remarks by our Senator from California (I would write to her and tell her how completely abhorrent they are, but I?m convinced the letter would never get to her) are just something I never imagined in my wildest dreams someone saying in such a senate hearing. I don?t even know where to start but I will try.
Then, to Rice: "You're not going to pay a particular price, as I understand it, with an immediate family."...
First, let me thank you for all your service to our country, service that I?m sure was sacrificial in many ways that none of us can even comprehend. Your abilities and your intelligence were rewarded, but you have sacrificed all along the way. One of these sacrifices I?m sure was not as much time to pursue some of the personal interests you might have, if you had not been in the service of our country. I commend you.
Now regarding Senator Boxer?s comments about your immediate family I need to make a couple comments based on my own situation. I also have no children. I am in my middle fifties and there will be no children. I and my husband met very late. It was the first marriage for both of us and we hoped there might be children but that was not to be. During our marriage both my husband and I have been faced with social settings that have been extremely awkward when people have speculated on why we don?t have children and pressed for a history of our decision and causative factors. As someone who had desperately wanted children I found these often clumsy but well meaning remarks extremely painful. I cannot even imagine being subject to this kind of comment publicly as you were, in which not only was your personal family state held up for observation, it was dismissed as a proof that you have nothing to sacrifice. I find myself grappling with disbelief that a Senator would make such statement to you.
Dr. Rice, you are a woman that deserves only commendation for your service. Please do not dwell on the comments of a Senator grand standing to make a point. Thank you again for your service and I pray God?s blessing on you for it.
Sincerest regards,
Related Tags: Barbara Boxer, Condoleezza Rice, Senate hearings, children, sacrifice