Yes, it's time once again for
more lame Spidey villians! Today we turn our attention, and we must turn it for villians this bad simply do not attract it, to
Knight and Fogg. Essentially
products of their own imaginations, these two suffer from one of the lamest origins in comic history. Hit men that screwed up the hit, got caught in a machine that turned them into what they imagined themselves to be. Now, do you honestly think brothers operating as mob muscle are going to imagine themselves this literarily, let alone thematically? I mean please! Anyone that is going to make a lliving like this is likely to imagine themselves as a giant gun, or something wholly unmentionable.

These two put me in mind of nothing so much as some of the truly lame villians that plagued Batman in the Adam West TV series,
Lord Fogg who smoked a pipe that made a fog you could not see through. Just some sort of lame excuse for doing things England. I have to imagine these two were born more of a desire to see Spidey swing from Big Ben than any actual brilliant character ideas.
Knight I sort of understand, though I imagine he could be easily defeated
by simply saying "Ni!" But Fogg, be real, a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter and the guy is yours. By the way, what's with the two "g's"? Do you figure the guy imagined himself as stuttering fog?
In then end, given the origin,
I'm thinking Wonder Twins.
Related Tags:
comic books,
comic art,
lame villians
# posted by John Schroeder @ 2/03/2007 05:30:00 AM