Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Love Day Links

Why does Al Mohler always insist on being dogmatic when there is a middle position? Science is about "how," while religion is about "who" and "why." They can co-exist when dealing with the same "object of knowledge" if they limit themselves to their relevant questions. A supernatural worldview does not a priori exclude origins science.

Making God very grateful somebody invented Swiffers.

So I went to the sporting good store and they DID NOT have the gear I need for this trek. Bummer.

Connect the dots in the first sentence of this story. I know, I can't either.

Never accept the offer of a ride from this individual.

Student government, only for the very serious.

Pork Fat Rules!

How Iron Man Started.

Ahhh, the power of trivia.

From the school of so ugly it's cute.

Oh, you just gotta love this.

Somebody had a friend that needed some money. Even California bureacrats aren't that gullible.

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