Monday, February 19, 2007


Only Links Rush In

People in the U.S. know more about basic science today than they did two decades ago, good news that researchers say is tempered by an unsettling growth in the belief in pseudoscience such as...
...more than half of what comes out of the "climate science" community.

See what I mean! Joe Carter pens what may be the most pitch-perfect response to Al Gore's global warming nonsense to date.

With systems as big as the climate, the Law of Unintended Consequences will reign supreme.

Next time you want to regulate something, remember, this is what a bureacracy can do.

Think about it....

This is very, very funny. Sadly, I am afraid the point will escape a lot of people.

Least startling religious headline of the last two years.

No snow, no water, so of course.

I'd say this would make a great SciFi movie, but I am pretty certain it's been done. But since when has that slowed down science fiction B-movie writers?

Not buying it - seen to many B-movies, and no robotic system can anticipate everything, and when the unanticipated arrives.....

Definitely not buying it. If people gain weight after bariatirc surgery, you think a pill is gonna stop them? Sounds like a placebo effect to me.

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