Friday, February 23, 2007


Set 'Em Up Joe Links

John McCain once again shows himself opportunist and not leader. This time he is buying global warming propoganda hook, line and sinker. This link is from Ankle-Biting Pundits. Now while it may be a popular issue, some issue are complex enough to demand learderhsip, not pandering to the voter. You would think a decorated and heroic military officer would know about that.

Speaking of warming - this pretty well sums it up for me.

Most of which pose no emminent danger to human health or the environment. But then there is an industry to keep afloat.

Dear Lord, help us.

So, when will we enact "spear-control" legislation. BTW, I find the theological implications of this bit of science fascinating.

From the Twilight Zone

Cool science.

From nationalization to animal sacrifice - this is just wrong.

Oh the humanity.

They think we're wimps.

Least astonishing headline this week.

Don't you wish you had a pair? Lord, I apologize for that, be with the pygmies in New Guinea, Amen.

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