Thursday, February 22, 2007


So Bye, Bye Miss American Link

Making Lent fun? I passed a church the other day that had a big sign out front "Dinner and a Movie for Lent" - Wednesdays night! Now let me think. During Lent we celebrate our Lord's self-inflicted banishment to the wilderness to be tempted by Satan in preparation for being crucified. I think putting a happy face on that sort of misses the point. I think Matt would agree.

Can he be charged with a hate crime?


Becasue there is someone to buy every product.

Idiot on parade.

"I, for one, am tired of having to explain idiot lawmakers to my children - they are not all complete morons. They are very confused about that"

Hanging offense - get a posse together.

Was Ringo aboard? Peter Max is bummed. (Yes, I am well advanced into middle age)

How about happy he lived?

Oxymoron alert.

Calimari for EVERYBODY

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