Saturday, March 03, 2007
Comic Art

The guy has been around forever in all sorts of various guises, morphing one way and then the other as in "Infinite Earths" of the DC universe have combined, uncombined, differentiated, and otherwise given license to the creative imagination to twist the character of Johnny Quick seven ways to Sunday.
There is one constant though - the source of his power - a mathematical formula. Johnny Quick has but to recite the formula and he is off at superspeed!

Most fascinating was until recent times no one gave any thought to how such a formula might work, math was just kinda like magic. What they have come up with recently is still pretty much magic, but at least the thought is cool. I have simulations running in background on my computer all the time, though.

Johnny Quick has survived where many of the historical speedsters have fallen by the way side - I know not why, but he sure is fun.

Related Tags: comics, comic art, comic books, speedsters, Johnny Quick