Saturday, March 10, 2007
Comic Art

Needless to say, White Rabbit was intended for comic relief, I mean she originally shown as the arch-nemesis, in the Marvel Team-up depicted here, of "Frog-man" who is a loser of a hero if ever there was one.

Uh...No, no, no, no, and no. It's a shapely chick in a bunny suit for crying out loud - what more needs to be said? Remember, at least back in 1983 when she first appeared, the

But then, why not? Comic relief and sex appeal in a single package, now that's selling comic books. Lame villain? Oh the lamest, but even the lame ones can be popular. What's that you say? No villain that rides a 10-foot, heavily armored mechanical bunny can be lame? Well then, your comic universe is much farther out there than mine is. I mean in a world inahbited by guys in spider suits and other guys that can stretch like rubber, a hot chick on a mechanical rabbit is just silly.
Oh yeah, one other thing - that MTU #131 up there? Mint condition in my collection. Just thought you'd want to know.
Related Tags: comics, comic books, Spider-man, Spidey villains, lame, White Rabbit