Saturday, March 24, 2007
A Great Season For Butler Links

Well, when you are pretending to be dead, you are going to be a rascal.
Toilet paper attacks France, but then you would not need much else.
Commitment defined. To the wrong thing, obviously, but that is serious committement. And yet, could this be even more committed?
Meanwhile, someone who simply should be committed.
You know the Bible 100%!
Wow! You are awesome! You are a true Biblical scholar, not just a hearer but a personal reader! The books, the characters, the events, the verses - you know it all! You are fantastic!
Ultimate Bible Quiz
Create MySpace Quizzes
If I did not, as Mark Daniels implies, it would be a bit frightening.
If I ever go to Japan, remind me to take a suitcase of food.
It's so hard to find that perfect dinner companion.
To all those that would give me a hard time about enjoying professional wrestling - it could be worse.
That's good science. Speaking of which, if you enjoy that link, you'll love this cartoon:

This safe would have eventually reached sentience. Trust me, that's a really funny joke, read this book, you'll understand.
The Amish compete with Las Vegas?!?!? Strange.
Related Tags: joke, humor, wisecrack, sarcasm