Thursday, March 29, 2007


A Link Is Born Every Minute

Folks, you have to have been to the Soviet Union to understand the utter horror this story conveys to me. Russia today reflects it, but I'm talking in the day - millions of lifeless people....

Buckyball danger? Like most chemical dangers, exaggerated, but you are talking one of the most complex synthesis is chemical history, which means it won't be plentiful anytime soon. A chemical has to be plentiful to be a problem, so why is this work being done? Because Buckyballs are cool and therefore easily funded. There is a lesson in there.

Relatedly, there was a good editorial in the WSJ (subscription required):
Democrats in Congress have packed $20 billion of pork into the Iraq war spending bill, so why not lard on an all-politics solution to securing the nation's chemical facilities.

"Toxic" chemicals, as aficionados of endless political crusades know, have been a target of the environmental left for decades. After 9/11, they saw an opportunity. They've argued that the path to chemical security lies in requiring the industry to use "inherently safer technologies." Guess what "inherently safer" means: Banning some chemicals or requiring substitutes.

The substances greens consider most "unsafe" happen to be the ones they've been trying to eliminate for years, for reasons having nothing to do with terrorists. Inconveniently, most of these chemicals, such as chlorine, serve vital public-health purposes and have no substitutes. Opposed to this one-size-fits-all mandate for an entire industry stands the Department of Homeland Security. Late last year it issued broad draft regulations that laid out stringent standards for chemical-plant security, but gave companies flexibility to decide how to meet those standards.


Let's hope Senate Republicans get these chemical provisions excised from the final war-spending bill. Homeland Security is within two weeks of issuing its final rules. Throwing a monkeywrench now will merely guarantee more years of wrangling over chemical security rules that should have been settled long ago. If greens and Democrats want to rid the world of chemicals for environmental reasons, then engage in an open debate about the pros and cons rather than waving "terror" as a ruse
What, precisely, was he doing?

And we think we are out of TV production ideas?!

I don't get it?

A pressing matter of great national import.

...a serious issue involving flatulence in cows. I could not possibly think of anything funnier that that phrase.

And probably won't remember.

Because I'm beautiful on the inside?

Quantum weirdness is cool.

Obviously the work of a super-villian.

Blogging works.

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