Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Remember When I Said I Would Link You Last?

I am generally not a fan of Pentecostalism, but I like Pentecost just fine. AMEN!

So close, and yet so far. Better gay and in worship, than gay and godless, but....

Oh it's not possible that morality is somehow transcendant - it just evolved. BTW, if it is a product of evolution, how come humans so often trangress it? You would think we would have to be moral creatures because our genetic material would mandate it.

Generally school dress codes are wise, but as always, bureacrats can get carried away.

This thief will be easy to find. They'll weigh half a ton by the time they are done.

If only this had been around when my sister was that age. We could have used the money!

Some teachers might deserve it.

Oh go ahead, tickle a rat. Who pays for ths research and why?

Kruse links to Witherington who has a broken link to this

For 50 points, in the next to last clip, who is more tasteless?

Isn't this how Ghostbusters II started?

I wanna be the first guy to pee off it! That's marking territory!

Been there - there are none.

There is a gay joke in here somewhere, but I'll try and remain above the fray.

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