DC Comics does not have the great breadth of "Omnipotents" that Marvel does, but those they do have are far, far more interesting characters. This character,
The Spectre, would be THE classic example.
I have written about this character before. That should tell you something - I really like this guy.
Problem is, like any omnipotent character, it is hard to make the stories interesting. Unlimited power means no challenges, which means, no dramitic conflict, which means no story.
The Spectre has overcome this difficulty in modern time by have the conflict be internal, between his vengeful and redemptive natures. The set up for that conflict was never better done than when Hal Jordan, the greatest Green Lantern was dead and become the shell in which the Spectre resided. The set-up was great, but they never played with the theme enough. But then they would have had to get all religious, which they try to avoid.
The Hal Jordan tie-in, as you see in this picture at right also points out something else about this character - he is one of the most visually stunning ever in comcis. I almost don't care about the story as long as the images keep coming. The Spectre is just great to lok at, which makes him a recurring omnipotent that should never go away.

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comic books,
comic art,
# posted by John Schroeder @ 5/05/2007 05:30:00 AM