Thursday, May 17, 2007


Oh, For Link's Sake

Yes, it's true - this is how I looked before I started my diet a few years ago. Fortunately, this was not part of the diet. On the other hand, this should have been.

Seen some of these before - very funny.

Works better with fish - not that I'd know.

Booze and video games do not mix.

Sure it's cute now, but what happens when they put on a little weight?

Your tax-exempt donations at work. Did I ever tell you I OWN Greanpeace? Yep, long story, but it was at Chernobyl, involved too much vodka, and the lack of a bathroom.

Speaking of tex-exempt donations - nothing like a little unsubstantiated fear mongering to fatten the till.

A Modern Miracle.

There is only one response to this and here it is - well sorta.

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