Saturday, August 18, 2007
Comic Art

Bart is the grandson of the Silver Age Flash (Barry Allen) who is sent back from the future by his grandmother for training for handling the super-powers he has inherited. When he first came on the scene, he was guised as Impulse, which is as you see him depicted throughout this post. He later takes the guise of Kid Flash and finally as the fourth Flash. The Impulse moniker was a reflection of his personality more than his power, so it was natural that he would mature out of it.

Impulse was probabaly best as you see him below, running in front of the pack known as Young Justice. He looks good there. this is a character still very much in development. Only time will tell how he will turn out, but his heritage is great.

Related Tags: comics, comic books, comic art, Speedsters, Flash, Kid Flash, Impulse