Reverse Flash? Well, like most really good ideas in comcis, he was not a very original idea. Turns out that the Golden Age Flash, Jay Garrick, had a parallel character way back in 1949 called
The Rival. Funny how what goes around comes around. I loved the Reverse Flash because of the colorful costume -
The Rival was simply, darker. Comics were often very dark in the Golden Age and they have today returned to very dark. Thus this character seems more appealing to the modern mind. But being a stuck in the Silver Age good v bad colorful kind of guy, I'll still take Reverse Flash any day.

However, I include this picture to show that while I prefer Reverse Flash to The Rival, it takes television to really make a mess of things. What you see here is the TV version of the Reverse Flash story line form that ill-fated, though I watched it religiously because it was after all superheroes, 80's era televsion show.
Blue? BLUE?
BLUE?? Where in the h-e-double hockey sticks did they come up with blue? Only television could miss the point entirely.
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# posted by John Schroeder @ 9/29/2007 05:30:00 AM