Tuesday, October 02, 2007



Church Geek points to a post on The 10 Most Outrageous Things Said By Christians. It comes complete with a number of pastors and others kicking in their contributions in the comments.

Look I have to admit, some of the comments are pretty out there, but worthy of outrage? Hardly. They are ignorant, absolutely, but who is to blame for that? Are we outraged when children say ignorant, childish things? No, I read this stuff and I wonder where the church has gone so wrong that it produces such ignorance.

Comes the response, "We cannot force people to mature." Indeed, we cannot, but if they refuse are they not of some status other than mature, church-going, Christian leader, and therefore should not their utterances matter less? Further, should such utterances not be occasion for teaching and encouraging maturity?

We build institutions, and assume people can either partake or not, but the real goal is to build and maintain the institution. Nothing could be further from the truth. We are here to build disciples, the institution is but a means to that end. When we stand in amazement that we have not produced disciples, all we really do is condemn ourselves.

"Ah," says the pastor, "I cannot make disciples of everyone, that is what the congregation is for." Indeed, again, but you must first make a some disciples so that they can make others. You cannot let your obligations to the institution override your calling to the Lord.

People do indeed say the darndest things, but the only way to fix that is to educate them. Isn't that what we are called to do?


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