Friday, November 02, 2007


Is This Sacramental?

The London Telegraph reports on a new Protestant trend.
Americans are flocking to confess their sins as Protestant churches have joined their Catholic counterparts in modernising the sacrament of penance.
But what they are talking about is something that just makes my skin crawl:
New technology is fuelling the boom, but so is clever marketing by Churches that are portraying confession as a form of self-improvement — always popular with Americans — rather than some sort of punishment.

Church leaders also attribute the boom to the fashion for self-analysis peddled by daytime television programmes such as The Jerry Springer Show and to a wider theological trend in which Christians are looking for firmer moral guidance.
It's not that I am opposed to the use of technology, it's that confession is most certainly not about SELF-improvement. That may be a side effect, but that is not what it is about.

Being a good reformed Protestant, I am willing to say that confession never was about penance and the priestly role of Roman Catholic confession is troublesome, but confession, the laying of oneself, naked as it were, before the Lord for His work to be done upon you is something that is holy.

This strikes me as just profane. There is little the church needs more than a return to a genuine understanding of confession and its role in our lives both individually and corporately, but this is not it. This is an admixture of pop psychology, television garbage, with a light sprinkling of theological goobeldy-gook.

Just some things to think about when it comes to confession:

Lord, save us from ourselves!

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