Tuesday, November 06, 2007


The Rise of the Geek

I recently read a comic book in which the hero was forced to relive the most agonizing parts of his life to date. In an interesting bit of graphic storytelling as he entered each period a seminal, or THE seminal, artist for the period was called upon to contribute the few pages it covered. Then, because it was a special issue, they reprinted some of the underlying historical books (I own the originals!) as some sort of appendix - like a historical document.

Much as I enjoyed it, I could not help but reflect on what a geek I was and what a geek anybody enjoying it was. Talk about total fan emersion, name the artist, the issue numbers, etc. I thought about people picking that book up as their very first comic and how utterly confusing it would be. Then I reflected on how we increasingly niche market our entertainment; TV shows have web sites with more content than the show itself.

Then I reflected on the state of the church. No, let me rephrase that, I reflected on the state of Christians. Where are the Christian geeks? We have church geeks, but do we have Christ geeks. We have immersive church experiences, but what about Christ experiences?

How would you even build a web site that took you farther into genuine relationship with Jesus Christ? Can you? Isn't that something that must be done in community? If the apostles worked this whole thing out in community with each other and with Jesus.

Oh sure, there are "internet communities" - but is that the kind of intimate community that Christ desires for us. I don't think so. In fact, returning to my opening analogy, How much fans knew about the series and the comic book, but how little they knew the character.

It's funny - nobody calls me a "Mrs. Blogotional geek" and yet I am more immersed in her than any other human. And yet, I have barely scratched the surface of getting to know her. See, somehow genuine relationship is not immersion, its just relationship. No geekiness, no market capture, just intimacy.

My heart longs for such intimacy among God's people.

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