Saturday, December 01, 2007


Comic Art

Two weeks ago we began the follow-on series on the Omnipotents by looking at Jack Kirby's two greatest creations - the Norse "gods" of Asgard at Marvel, which we looked at in that initiating post, and the "New Gods" at DC, which we introduce today.

The New Gods
have grown to be an enormous force in the DC Universe as they pretty effectively solve the biggest problem that Comic Kingdom has - finding a worthy opponent for a guy named Superman. That also makes them an effective foil for the Justice League, which featuring Superman is a force almost beyond reckoning.

But, as with most things Kirby created, the art is what sells it. This images are nothing short of iconic.

Kirby and Stan Lee did not dissolve their most lucrative of partnerships easily or without rancor. The beef was over Lee taking much credit for work that Kirby actually did. Lee may have dreamed them up, but Kirby made them happen.

The New Gods are where Kirby got the credit he deserved. To this day, I think of them as "Jack Kirby's News Gods." When they appear on the Justice League cartoon show, the art in that show changes appreciable and takes on a most Kirbyesque appearance. Would that Kirby himself could draw those images - Kirby animation would be a sight to behold.

I am forced to admit that the News Gods writing was not the best when Kirby had total control, it is only in later years that the writing has made these become premiere characters, but the original art cannot be replaced.

Kirby at his very finest.

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