Friday, January 25, 2008


On Sin

Enthusiasmos at Mere O declares:
Entitlement is the only sin.
He arrives at this conclusion through and extensive reading and quoting of Thomas A Kempis.

Now, first of all, this is a mighty important point, one that needs to me made over and over and over again to the world. The flip side of entitlement is, of course, humility. There is so little of that around today. Says Enthusiasmos:
What we deserve is exactly and precisely nothing, nil, nada. So the appropriate affection springing from awareness of any fact is gratitude, joy, and thanks. Awareness of being rather than non-being, of life rather than mere mineral existence, of rationality rather than mere sentience, of self-awareness rather than stupidity, of freedom of choice rather than machine-like auto-motion, of the curse of physical death rather than everlasting slavery to sin, of forgiveness rather than wrath, of clear communication of his word rather than forsaking us in our transgressions, of showing us how to obey rather than just telling us, of the gift of divinity rather than the curse of bestiality of blessings rather than curses — the correct affection in every case is absolute, unqualified and life-shattering gratitude. Even awareness of God’s wrath is cause for gratitude, for he gives us his divine wrath rather than divine apathy. I would rather go to hell because God hates my sin than to lie on earth because God does not even care that I am sick.
Simply put, we are creature, not creator - nature, not supernature - man not God. In the end that is the root of all sin, our presumption that we are God.

Are you willing to sacrifice that perception of yourself? Are you willing to lay yourself on the altar and let God be God?

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