Tuesday, January 22, 2008


So, Where Do we Find The Devil?

MMI reprints a story about a pastor that disappeared and it was blamed on a satanic cult when in reality he was just running away. Such stories illustrate how we in the church tend to look at Satan in one of two ways. Either we ignore him altogether, or he is something "out there" that reaches in to grab from us.

But think about strategy here for a minute. Consider Iraq. When invaded the Army just quit and the true believers faded into the woodwork. They now work on an entirely different level. They know they cannot win the stand-up fight so they engage in terrorism, or try to undermine the will and steadfastness of the American people. The choose to corrupt from within rather than fight along defined battle lines.

And so it is with this story. Satan showed himself not in the abduction of the pastor, but in the behavior of the pastor, in corruption. And think how much damage to the church universal has been done by a story like this. Quite a bit if you think about it, we look foolish and silly and profit-driven.

Nope, Satan is alive and well, and I think he hides in the church more than anywhere else. Think what would happen to the gospel if stories like this were not out there. If the church was what it should be.

Where is Satan in your church? Now bear in mind, I did not say "who" - I said "where." He could be in the metric of success you use. He could be in your ego. I don't know, but he is there. Would that we would spend more time looking for him and battling him in our midst.

I wonder what a church-based "Surge" would look like?

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