Wednesday, February 06, 2008


Art And Faith

As reported a while back in London Telegraph some artist has used google earth and Photoshop to create images from the biblical narrative.

For example this picture immediately to the left depicts Moses leading the Israelites across the parted Red Sea, and to the left of that is the Garden of Eden.

Pretty much since the beginning of time artists have been depicting scenes from the Bible - there is nothing new in that at all. So why did these cause me to stop an think a bit?

My guess is the photo realism. A painting is one thing, clearly an artist's conception of how something looked. But these, absent labeling, could confuse the gullible. In fact, I expect to see them show up on some durn fool web site as "evidence" of the truth of scripture before too very long.

Of course, the debate about what constitutes art and what is idol has raged in the church for centuries. I guess this is just a new chapter in that never-ending saga.

What do you think?

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