Saturday, February 16, 2008


Comic Art

Your half brother is the God of Thunder, your dad, the all-powerful Odin likes your half-brother a whole lot better than you - What do you do? Well. you become the "God of Mischief" - Loki - The perennial bad guy in all the Marvel stories about Asgard and the Norse gods. Intent on taking his brother Thor's birthright and taking the throne of Asgard for himself, Loki has been a pain in the side for decades.

And so, this week, Loki is the character of choice for examination in our series looking at the master creations (Asgard and the New Gods) of the master artist - Jack Kirby.

Constantly messing with the denizens of Midgard (earth) just to irk his brother, Loki has been a bad guy for many the Marvel hero. He lacks the power of Thor but makes a worthy opponent by mastering both sorcery and cunning. It is the classic brains against brawn ploy, or at least it was in the early days, but Thor ain't the Hulk and he simply cannot play that dumb for that long.

Loki has also never feared making allies of Asgard's traditional enemies, the Storm giants, trolls, whoever can help him gain the throne. He also has a few allies among Asgard's less godly denizens - The Enchantress being one from traditional stories.

This is difficult for me to say, but this image on the right is Loki as drawn by Kirby, but as compared to the images above, I think this is one character others have done better.

I have only one question though. Look at the top most images, with those great horns protruding forward like that. How do you think he maintains his balance?

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