Monday, February 04, 2008


Remote Discipling?!

A blog called "LeadingSmart" wonders about on-line discipleship.
At Granger, we are continually discussing how to help our believers in their spiritual development. How do we feed them when they are spiritual infants? How do we help them learn to feed themselves as they grow in their faith?
He then looks at some online community building software and wonders:
I wonder if there is a similar tool for spiritual growth we could develop that would offer the same thing?
Two comments I have about all this. The first is, are we really supposed to figure out how to "feed ourselves?" We are people of community with each other and with God. We are to supposed to plug-in to something for a bit and then move on individually.

Which brings me to the second point, online discipling will never work because all that can be offered online are resources, not ourselves.

Consider the fact of the incarnation. God had to be among us. It was not enough that he sent us some resource, like forgiveness - HE HAD TO BE HERE.

How can we do less?

The internet is valuable for many things, but it cannot replace a relationship.

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