Friday, February 15, 2008


Why The Clergy Must Earn My Trust

This story retold by MMI of litigation between a pastor and congregation concerning the pastors personal use of church funds, is but one example of a deeply personal concern of mine.

The job of clergy is one of great potential abuse. That abuse is both easier because of the veil of authority given the job, and far more devastating to the abuse victims because the wounds run far deeper than simply stolen money or coerced sex, or whatever. The church and faith are called into question by these sorts of things.

It saddens me deeply to say this, but the single most prominent lesson I have learned as an adult Christian in ministry in various forms from professionally to very small volunteer stuff is to make those who claim religious authority to earn my trust.

Even those who do so earn it have weak spots, but that just makes them human and against such things all normal people have defenses. But there are just too many stories like the one linked above to trust clergy a priori.

But at bottom, I do not fault the clergy themselves, even the abusive ones. I fault the churches and the systems that fail to hold them accountable, that fail to screen the bad actors out, that fail to properly examine applicants. I am a Presbyterian in part because we have a pretty good structure to provide for that kind of accountability. But, not unlike the recent problem in the Roman Catholic Church in America, we are increasingly seeing people failing to exercise that accountability, and the result is increasing scandal in our midst as well.

But absolutely worst of all is what these scandals do to God's name. Such scandal takes God's name in vain in ways that mere cursing never could.

When we fail to bring accountability to the people who create scandal in God's name, we besmirch God. We place our pride, our institutional well-being, our peace of mind, whatever motivation it is we have for not wanting to create a ruckus, ahead of the glory of God Almighty.

The mental gymnastics we go through in these situation to justify our inaction truly amazes me. We talk of grace, and changes of heart, all of which I believe and hold dear, but which in cases of scandal, must be proven and cannot be assumed. When we assume such things we simply reveal ourselves to be lazy servants of God.

What have you ignored or let slide in the clergy around you? You might want to think about doing something about it.

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