Tuesday, March 11, 2008



Milt Stanley links to a post by Pastor Buzz on Authenticity.
An authentic Christian bears the authentic marks of a life like Christ; likewise with authentic Christian communities. It is only through such provenance that the world will accept the message.
Pastor Buzz' post begins with an extended illustration of establishing the provenance of a stamp for his collection. He notes that there is a difference between the genuine article and something that is just labeled for sale. How many things are labeled "Christian" but lack the authenticity?

Think about it. Christian authenticity is rare, very rare, and thus very precious. I wish that it were not so rare. The question is, "Why?"

Well, for one thing there is an unacknowledged difference between the promises of the Christian life and the Christian life itself. The marks of authentic Christianity that Pastor Buzz lists are - The blind see. - The deaf hear. - The lame walk. - The voiceless have a voice - to which I respond, yes, but...

Because we live in the "already, not yet" even authentic Christians get those things wrong sometimes. Sometimes the healing does not work. Sometimes we abuse the power and authority that comes with such miracles. Sometimes we make the miracles into idols. We misstep so often. It is in the missteps that I think we see the real marks of an authentic Christian.

Are we humble? Do we confess? Do we learn from our mistakes? You see, even the devil can perform miracles and create the appearance of healing. But the devil will exploit those abilities for his own ends, only the truly selfless Christ will use then genuinely for the benefit of the other.

Are you authentic?

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