As loud, boisterous and noisy is
Volstagg of Thor's closest friends the Warriors Three,
Hogun, another member of the trio is quiet. He is usually referred to as
"Hogun the Grim" and with good reason. The guy says little, but he is really good with that mace. Nonetheless, why Thor and the other two hang out with him is a bit of a mystery to me. Oh sure, you want him around when the going gets tough, but hanging in the local grog shop, the guy is basically wallpaper.

Hogun even lacks the usual comic book reparte' when he is in the middle of a fight. While most guys have tag lines, wisecracks, or whole speeches they must delivery when they best a foe, Hogun just moves on. You think he'd at least mutter "Next!" to himself.
But then they are the "Warriors" Three and not the "Asgardian Good Times and Drinking Club." But seriously, this guy needs to lighten up a bit or some "inventive" genus is going to decide the reason for his social reticence, not to mention all that latent hostility, is because he is gay. Now, there have been gay super-heroes before, but a gay god would probably be a bit more than I could bear.
But I will say this about Hogun, next time I need someone to handle a snake/lizard/dragon thing, I know who to call.
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# posted by John Schroeder @ 3/15/2008 05:30:00 AM