Saturday, May 03, 2008
Comic Art
We Interrupt This Regularly Scheduled Program... bring you a review of the latest comic book movie "Iron Man," but first previews. The movie is fronted by a preview of "The Dark Knight" which I found disappointing. Heath Ledger's interpretation of The Joker appears evil but not maniacal. Of course, it is just a trailer, and the characterization could be fuller in the film. That said, the Joker absent his madness is an evil too evil to contemplate and would render the film just ugly. Check this one out before taking the kids. Notably absent from the Iron Man trailers is this summer's Hulk film in which Iron Man is said to have a cameo appearance. The previews of the Hulk available on the Internet look great, but I think they are trying to avoid the taint of the Ang Lee version - that is sad. The Lee version was not THAT bad.The most exciting preview news from the Iron Man was the presence of a poster for this film in the lobby. Yummy!
Now, on to Iron Man - FUN! This is a great popcorn film. From my perspective there are weaknesses in the character (Tony Stark is insufficiently motivated for the commitment it takes to pick up the superhero mantle, but that has been true for the character since his inception) and they carry into the film, but not distractingly so.
This film also suffers from too much character establishment, and not enough action, but that appears to be a pattern emerging as Marvel rolls out films with its second tier characters. Limit the budget on the first film, if it plays, put the money into the second, ala the FF. This is a great first film and should do well in leading to a second.
This film captures many "versions" of the Iron Man and has all the requisite allusions to the comics and insider's nods and jokes. The film also has a great sense of humor as captured by Robert Downey, Jr.'s wisecracks and attitude. The plot is a little complex for small children. The revelation of the bad guy as the bad guy should have had an organ sting to add dramatic impact, he sort fo sneaks up on you.
But all that said, this is a highly entertaining and enjoyable film - recommended for the whole family.
And Now Back To Our Regularly Scheduled Programming...

ed note: Apologies for the lack of artist credit in this post. I just did not have the time to dig it up, but the breadth of imagination and the quality of the art demanded I do this. The Vision is a stunning character, in all its forms.
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