Thursday, May 01, 2008


No Option

Milt Stanley links to Eric Jones on sanctification:
Sanctification is an often overlooked aspect of the Christian life. Much focus is given to our justification while our sanctification is considered optional.

“This is the will of God, even your sanctification.” - 1 Thessalonians 4:3

Sanctification is the progressive work of God and man that makes us more and more free from sin and like Christ in our actual lives.” It is the process of making us like Christ. This process involves the cooperation of both God and man with each playing a distinct and very active role.
He is right and my question is "Why?" What has driven us, what has driven the church, to the place where we deal in the simple "saved" formula?

The quick and short answer is probably "evangelicalism," but that is simplistic, not just to the whole of evangelicalism and as much symptom as root cause. One could discuss the socio-economic factors that are uniquely American and as American economic power has taken root internationally have spread internationally. And yet, American has many good, decent, sanctified people, as does the rest fot he world. It is possible to be sanctified in America, so this may be a contributing factor, but it is not the root cause.

The answer, or course, is simple to say, but so hard to overcome - SIN. Think about it for a minute. Why should the devil beat the church entirely when he can simply corrupt it - make people think they are within God's intention when they are really falling well short of the mark and therefore in the devil's intentions instead of God's.

The key thing that must happen is that we must overcome the illusion that saying the sinner's prayer is enough. We must lift the veil from our eyes they makes us see things as the devil wants them instead of how God wants them. We have to quit fooling ourselves.

This is why I harp on confession so often on this blog. Confession does not have to be some specific list of "cries" committed. Nay, confession should be the simply acknowledgement that we are blinded to what is truly right. Confession should be the straightforward admission that we, even with our best intention, cannot possible to this thing (life!) correctly, and that we need God to remove the veil, give us vision and give us strength to do it right.

Anytime we think we have this whole thing figured out we are wrong. The very key is to know that one thing and admit it - constantly.

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