Monday, July 18, 2011
Direction of Focus
In my attempt to continue to identify the silly things we do as churches I decided to focus my attention on a few practices of churches that are more concerned with the activity inside its own walls than the community it rests within.He goes on to list five symptoms of this problem. Funny thing is, they are all the kinds of things that "growth-oriented" churches do
- Makes Converts Not Disciples
- Lives and Dies by Sunday
- Offers Multiple Styles of Worship...
Funny how that works. It is no accident that Kaufman illustrates his post with a picture of obese children.
Obesity is, after all, a form of growth but it is not a healthy one. Obesity is also a form of selfishness. Christ-likeness is selflessness.
So, what;s your church's body fat index? Might be worth putting some thought to.
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