Friday, March 02, 2012


Be For Something

Justin Taylor:
Pastor Byron Yawn, a self-described “recovering fundie,” explains 10 effects of the “angry prophet” type who defines himself by what he’s against:
  1. You’ll forget to talk about what’s good . . . especially about Jesus.
  2. You’ll begin to take yourself too seriously.
  3. You’ll begin to preach the same sermon from every passage.
  4. You’ll foster mean people.
  5. You’ll eventually assemble an audience of self-congratulatory clones.
  6. You’ll take all correction personally and as an unpardonable offense against “God’s man.”
  7. You’ll make a terrible shepherd.
  8. You’ll become the type of person you warn others about.
  9. You’ll thrive on controversy.
  10. People will stop listening.
Let me add my own brief thought here. One of the definitional characteristics of God is that He is creative. It is not creative to oppose something - it is creative to make something better.

Are we not supposed to bear God's image? Should we not; therefore, be creative?

Put another way, you get more flies with honey....

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