Wednesday, April 04, 2012


Who Else Is There?

Ron Edmondson:
Acts 4:13-14

It was a great reminder to me…God uses normal people!

Don’t feel you have what it takes…

Feel as though you don’t “measure up”…

Consider yourself a “common man” (or woman)…

You are a perfect candidate for God to use in a mighty way!
I pray for commonality in church leadership, I really do, for to have the uncommon in leadership is to tell those in the pew they will never quite measure up.

But I also pray for maturity in leadership. Too often, myself included, I have hard the immature use this call for commonality to justify taking on things they simply are not ready for.

Mistakes are unavoidable, but mistakes hurt the church. Big mistakes hurt the church a lot, and nothing can turn a small mistake into a big one faster than an immature reaction to the discovery of that mistake.

In our youth oriented culture we seem to have neglected the distinction between commonality and maturity.

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