Monday, May 14, 2012



A very interesting study has come out about powerful people and their decision making ability.

Seems that their decisions making process could have one big flaw:

The decisions made by powerful people in business and other fields have far-reaching effects on their organizations and employees. But this study finds a link between having a sense of power and having a propensity to give short shrift to a crucial part of the decision-making process: listening to advice. Power increases confidence, the paper’s authors say, which can lead to an excessive belief in one’s own judgment and ultimately to flawed decisions.
Never have I read a more powerful argument for why leaders should be people of faith, genuine deep, humiliating faith.

The first lesson of faith, pretty much any faith, is that there is something greater than ourselves. That realization is a powerful check to the tendency just described. And it is a check we fight against - hard - even in the church.

How much talk is there about "my ministry?"

This is one of the things I really dislike about independent, entrepreneurial churches. There is nothing to remind the founder that there is more than himself at stake. Such requires far more maturity than most of us have. And most people I know, and they are few, that have obtained that level of maturity cannot maintain it without people and institutions to aid them in the practice.

Perhaps the most important question in Christian leadership is "What humbles you and how hard do you hold on to it?"

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