Wednesday, October 02, 2013
Jonathon Parnell @ DG:
Would that more Christians understand this balance. When you look at a situation, one that seem hard and fraught with peril, your concern is not unfounded - but you cannot let that concern stop you.
Victory is not easy, but it is assured.
fear victory
Fear is like the monster under my kids’ beds — its power is fueled not by what’s really there, but by what might be, what we imagine could be. Fear is a hollow darkness in the future that reaches back through time to rob our joy now by belittling the sovereign goodness of God.Fear...worry...anxiety - I have been crippled by them and I have seen them cripple many. He goes on to point out reasons and scripture as to why we need not fear. Here is but a few:
God will be with us, help us, and uphold us in trouble. - Isaiah 41:10, 13I really like the balance that is presented here. It is not that God will prevent us from meeting scary circumstances and it is not that we will not experience difficulty - it is hat we have the necessary means to overcome whatever difficulty we encounter.
When God Almighty is your helper, none can harm you beyond what he decrees. - Hebrews 13:6; Romans 8:31
Man cannot harm us beyond God’s gracious will for us. - Psalm 118:6; Psalm 56:11
Would that more Christians understand this balance. When you look at a situation, one that seem hard and fraught with peril, your concern is not unfounded - but you cannot let that concern stop you.
Victory is not easy, but it is assured.
fear victory