Friday, March 21, 2014


Quality, Not Quantity

Todd Rhoades quotes Os Hillman:
For centuries, Christians thought culture would change if we just had a majority of Christians in the culture. That has proven to be a false assumption. Culture is defined by a relatively small number of change agents who operate at the top of cultural spheres or societal mountains. It takes less than 3-5 percent of those operating at the top of a cultural mountain to actually shift the values represented on that mountain.

For example, this is exactly what advocates in the gay rights movement has done through the “mountains” of media and arts and entertainment. They have strategically used these avenues to promote their cause and reframe the argument. They are gradually legitimizing their cause through these two cultural mountains through a small percentage of people in society operating at the top of the media and arts and entertainment mountain.
This guy has a heck of a point, but why ignore the single greatest "change agent" of all time? - Christ.

Bottom line is this. Leadership matters. Popularity is not leadership. The church is not making leaders.


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