Wednesday, January 28, 2015


The Domesticated Church

Greg Laurie cites and illustration on worldly influence:
A flock of wild geese was flying south for the winter when one goose looked down and noticed a group of domestic geese by a little pond near a farm. He noticed they had plenty of grain to eat. Life seemed relatively nice for them. So he flew down and hung out with these geese until spring and enjoyed the food that was there. He decided that he would rejoin his flight of geese when they went north again. When spring came, he heard them overhead and flew up to join them, but he had grown a bit fat from all of the seed. Flying was difficult, so he decided to spend one more season on the farm and then rejoin the geese on their next winter migration. When the geese flew south the following fall, the goose flapped his wings a little, but he just kept eating his grain. He had simply lost interest.
"The domesticated church" may be the perfect phrase to mark the church that has simply become too worldly. Whether it is the mainlines and their "tolerance" policies that obliterate Christian sexual norms or the Evangelical churches that chase cultural relevance at the cost of the deep transformation of the gospel, the church has been domesticated by the world.

The church is, among other thing, supposed to be a change agent in the world, not something that upholds and conforms to this world. But we have been trained by the world and it has become our lord.

I am in prayer this morning, prayer of confession.


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