Thursday, April 09, 2015


The Trinity

Mark Daniels discusses the Trinity as an entity of love:
Today, the Holy Trinity calls us to follow Christ right into the center of His loving fellowship. He calls us into a new relationship of love with Him and all that He has made. Sin and death and isolation from God and from others will be the last word over every human life unless people are washed clean of sin and made new through repentance and faith in Christ. Paul reminds us in 2 Corinthians 5:17: “...if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”

Christ calls us into life abundant and eternal.

But there is no life without love.
Agree, agree, and agree again - but in the set up to this pronouncement, Mark contrasts it with other understandings of the Trinity:
Not the Trinity as a doctrine to be memorized.

Not the Trinity as a teaching propped up by arcane and sometimes meaningless analogies.
What my friend is trying to do here is to breath life into something that for so many is a cold dead idea. And yet if we abandon the doctrinal and arcane aspects of the Trinity for a simple understanding of "love" then arguments for so many things that are not of God begin to pour into our churches in the name of love. The Trinity is love, but it is also grossly arcane and mysterious.

Sometimes, the thing to do is to allow ourselves to be overwhelmed by ALL OF IT. That's submission and from submission discipleship flows.


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