Monday, March 07, 2005


"Best Of The Web" Mines NYTimes

If it wasn't for the fact that it would be the tail wagging the dog, I would assume that BOTWT read my piece yesterday pointing out several amazing headlines in the NYTimes and decided to play copycat. But, somehow, I think they got their first.

The first bit they did simply has to be repeated verbatim, it is just to funny. They pull from this roundtable to come up with this post.
Everyone knows that liberals are smarter than regular people--only sometimes we harbor doubts. Could this be one of those things that "everybody knows" but that turn out not to be true? What prompts this observation is a roundtable on "the present state of liberalism in America, and its future," which appeared yesterday in the New York Times book review. Among the participants was Michael Tomasky of The American Prospect, who had this to say in answer to the question, "Can the Democrats become the majority party in America again?":

One of the Democratic Party's problems is that it doesn't have enough contact with its rank and file. Right-wing people in this country have a place to meet and talk politics--their churches, increasingly the megachurches in the exurbs. There's not a meeting place like that for liberals and for Democrats.

If this is true, and if liberals are so smart, why don't they start going to church?
The other great post they have comes from reprinting the lead of this NYTimes article.
The chief of Ukraine's security service said Saturday that the country's former interior minister, Yuri F. Kravchenko, had shot himself twice in the head on Friday, refuting speculation that he had been killed by someone else.
Read it carefully, think about it a minute, it'll come to you. Its really, really funny.


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