Saturday, March 05, 2005


On The War Front

I found this particular little web page through Vodkapundit. It is called "Terrorist Scorecard," and lists all the known known Al Queda leaders, there function, status and last known location. Some might think such a thing tasteless or repugnant, but ask yourself if you don't think they have similar things on their cold, bare, cave walls? I am especially fond of the ones whose current location is listed as "Hell."

Then there is this piece from Major K in Iraq. It is the story of four Iraqi policemen that sacrificed their lives to save American soldiers. I wish I could pay for the funerals.

Compare that with the other side that used retarded teenagers as suicide bombs

The next time a person tells you about how they hate the war and our military, remind them that we inspire men to great deeds while they prey on the weak for their own gain.

Major K, I salute you and your colleagues in the US Military and in the Iraqi security forces as well. God Bless You and thank you for your service. Pass the word.


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