Tuesday, May 10, 2005


This Chicken Needs To Be Sent To Bed Without Supper

Bad chicken, very bad chicken.
The deputy issued a ticket March 26 because one of the couple's chickens allegedly impeded traffic in Johannesburg, a rural mining community near Ridgecrest, some 220 miles northeast of Los Angeles.
I have been to Johannesburg California -- it is the middle of the Mohave desert!
Sheriff's Sgt. Francis Moore said chickens on the roadway have been a problem in the community of 50 residents.
I smell a rat here. I don't know many towns of 50 with big jaywalking issues.
The chicken's owners say they believe they were cited because they were among several people who complained that sheriff's deputies haven't done enough to control off-road vehicle riders who create dust and noise in their neighborhood.

Sheriff's officials say that isn't so, adding they are doing what they can to keep off-roaders away from homes.
Don't you love small town politics?


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