Wednesday, November 16, 2005
This Is A Fine Kettle Of Fish
Yesterday, I borrowed some words from a milblogger to take Howard Dean out behind the woodshed. I chastised the author of the "dean scream" for saying that we must get out of Iraq, but not proposing what we should be doing.
Well, yesterday, it seems the entire US Senate has joined the unhinged one and passed a resolution weakening the President's position as Commander-In-Chief, calling for Iraqi withdrawal, though without specifics. It's getting spun all kinds of ways like this and this. Hugh Hewitt is all over this with posts here -- here -- here -- here. Hugh is calling this "Vietnam Syndrome 2.0" I certainly cannot think of anything more apt. This move by the Senate violates pretty much all of the lessons learned from that war.
But here is the real question in my mind. Senators seem to think they had to do this to reflect the national mood. That means one of two things. Either Sentors really are more influenced by the Beltway Cocktail Party chatter than they are their constituients, or this nation is entirely too complacent.
You remember this? You want it to happen again? Then we need to do what we need to do in Iraq. I am sorry if all the angles and reasons are too complicated for you to get your little head around. I am sorry if you think Iraq was about WMD and nothing else.
Maybe this overly simplistic, and abhorently barbaric arguement will do it for you. People do things like what you see in this picture because they perceive this nation as weak. No matter what, we have to change that perception. Much as when a new top guy comes into an organization, someone usually has to get fired just to show the new guy's in charge. We have to change that perception by kicking some serious tail. Even if you buy all that hogwash about Iraq was not tied to Al Queda and no WMD's and so forth, you have to admit, Iraq was a great target for a serious tail kicking.
If nothing else, we have not seen new attacks on US soil because people know if they do something that stupid they are calling down the wrath of the US Military, and that is not a wrath you want on the wrong side of.
Fine, next time someone decides to kill a few thousand of our citizens just casue they don't like the cut of our jib, and think they can get away with it, we'll send some body parts to all the people that think this Senate resolution was a wise idea. Then we'll see how they feel.
Well, yesterday, it seems the entire US Senate has joined the unhinged one and passed a resolution weakening the President's position as Commander-In-Chief, calling for Iraqi withdrawal, though without specifics. It's getting spun all kinds of ways like this and this. Hugh Hewitt is all over this with posts here -- here -- here -- here. Hugh is calling this "Vietnam Syndrome 2.0" I certainly cannot think of anything more apt. This move by the Senate violates pretty much all of the lessons learned from that war.
But here is the real question in my mind. Senators seem to think they had to do this to reflect the national mood. That means one of two things. Either Sentors really are more influenced by the Beltway Cocktail Party chatter than they are their constituients, or this nation is entirely too complacent.

Maybe this overly simplistic, and abhorently barbaric arguement will do it for you. People do things like what you see in this picture because they perceive this nation as weak. No matter what, we have to change that perception. Much as when a new top guy comes into an organization, someone usually has to get fired just to show the new guy's in charge. We have to change that perception by kicking some serious tail. Even if you buy all that hogwash about Iraq was not tied to Al Queda and no WMD's and so forth, you have to admit, Iraq was a great target for a serious tail kicking.
If nothing else, we have not seen new attacks on US soil because people know if they do something that stupid they are calling down the wrath of the US Military, and that is not a wrath you want on the wrong side of.
Fine, next time someone decides to kill a few thousand of our citizens just casue they don't like the cut of our jib, and think they can get away with it, we'll send some body parts to all the people that think this Senate resolution was a wise idea. Then we'll see how they feel.